
Boosting Sales with Effective Discount Strategies

There are no two ways about it: Discount strategies can significantly impact sales and customer engagement. The only catch? They need to be executed well.


According to industry insights, well-executed discount campaigns can increase sales by up to 30%, highlighting their importance in driving revenue growth. Here’s how you can harness the power of discounts to maximize sales:


Understanding customer behavior

Successful discount strategies begin with a deep understanding of customer behavior. Analyzing purchase history, browsing patterns, and demographic data helps retailers tailor discounts to specific customer segments. For instance, offering personalized discounts based on past purchases can foster loyalty and encourage repeat business.


Strategic timing:

Timeliness is crucial when implementing discount strategies. Aligning discounts with seasonal trends, holidays, or specific buying cycles can capitalize on peak shopping periods. Moreover, leveraging real-time data insights enables retailers to deploy discounts when customers are most likely to convert, optimizing the impact of promotional efforts.


Multi-channel approach:

Embracing an omnichannel discount strategy ensures consistency and maximizes reach across all touchpoints- Whether in-store, online, or via mobile. Seamless integration across platforms allows customers to access and redeem discounts effortlessly, enhancing their shopping experience and increasing conversion rates.


Preventing loss and enhancing accuracy:

Discount campaigns must be meticulously managed to prevent revenue loss from unintended discounts or coupon abuse. Veras Activate, a robust retail solution, offers enterprise-grade centralized coupon management and accurate promotional calculations. It supports various promotional types such as Buy X Get Y, bundled discounts, and targeted offers based on time-of-day or customer segments.


Driving customer engagement:

Beyond boosting sales, well-executed discount strategies can deepen customer engagement. By offering value-added promotions like loyalty rewards, personalized offers, or exclusive discounts to frequent shoppers, retailers can strengthen relationships and increase customer lifetime value.


Execute complex promotional strategies with ease using Veras Activate

Veras Activate empowers retailers to execute complex promotions effortlessly, ensuring accurate execution at POS or online. From automated coupon processing to smooth, omnichannel execution, this powerful tool safeguards profitability while enhancing customer satisfaction through seamless offer redemption.


Ready to elevate your discount strategies? Explore Veras Activate today to unlock new opportunities for growth and customer satisfaction.

Boosting sales with effective discount strategies


Making The Most Of Peak Retail Moments

Brick-and-mortar retailers have a prime opportunity to capitalize on the enduring appeal of in-store shopping during peak retail events. From Black Friday and Cyber Monday to seasonal celebrations like Halloween, Back-to-School, and Christmas, these moments drive significant foot traffic and consumer intent.

To unlock the full potential of these crucial periods, retailers must understand and cater to the diverse mindsets that shape in-store shopping behavior. By aligning their strategies with these mindsets, they can create compelling experiences that foster lasting connections and drive revenue growth.


The meticulous planner: Well in advance of major events, these shoppers meticulously research products, compare prices, and plan their purchases.
Engage them early with captivating visual merchandising, knowledgeable sales associates, and curated gift guides that inspire and inform their decision-making process.

The value-conscious shopper: Ever vigilant for the best deals, these consumers are primed to respond to strategic promotions, limited-time offers, and incentives like loyalty rewards or exclusive in-store discounts.
Leverage data-driven pricing strategies, targeted email campaigns, and eye-catching in-store signage that highlights the value proposition.

The time-pressed purchaser: As peak shopping events approach, the urgency to complete purchases intensifies.
Streamline their experience with efficient checkout processes, ample inventory, and clear in-store navigation that minimizes friction and maximizes convenience.

The loyal brand advocate: Even after major events have passed, these devoted shoppers continue to engage with brands they love.
Cultivate their loyalty through personalized experiences, exclusive in-store events, and rewards programs that foster a sense of belonging and brand affinity.

By aligning your in-store strategies with these diverse customer mindsets, you can create immersive and memorable experiences that drive footfall, conversions, and lasting customer relationships during peak shopping periods. From strategic promotions to seamless checkout processes and robust loyalty programs to personalization at every step, the key lies in understanding and catering to the evolving needs of today’s discerning shoppers.

Explore the Veras Retail Suite to execute these retail strategies seamlessly. Streamline every step of the shopping journey and connect with your customers like never before. Make the most of these peak shopping periods by deploying robust retail tech that drives engagement, personalizes every interaction, and builds lasting relationships.

Making the most of peak retail moments


Harnessing the power of customer experience: A guide for retailers

Harnessing the power of customer experience: A guide for retailers


According to research, companies that prioritize CX see an impressive 80% growth in revenue. This statistic underscores the immense potential that lies in providing exceptional experiences to customers at every touchpoint of their journey.

To capitalize on this opportunity, retailers must adopt innovative solutions designed to enhance CX across various aspects of their operations. Let’s delve into some key strategies that can significantly elevate customer experience and drive business growth.


Clienteling empowers retailers to deliver personalized and tailored experiences to individual customers. By leveraging customer data and insights, retailers can anticipate needs, preferences, and purchase behaviors, enabling them to offer targeted recommendations and personalized assistance. This human-centric approach fosters stronger relationships, builds trust, and ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Endless aisle

The concept of endless aisle extends the product assortment available to customers beyond the physical constraints of brick-and-mortar stores. Through digital platforms and in-store kiosks, retailers can showcase their entire product catalog, providing customers with access to a vast array of products, sizes, and variations. This not only enhances convenience for customers but also reduces the likelihood of lost sales due to out-of-stock situations, thereby improving overall satisfaction.

Seamless checkout

A seamless checkout experience is paramount in shaping the final impression customers have of a retail brand. By implementing streamlined checkout processes, such as mobile payment options, self-checkout terminals, and integrated POS systems, retailers can minimize wait times, eliminate friction points, and enhance overall convenience for shoppers. This frictionless experience leaves customers feeling satisfied and encourages repeat visits.

Targeted and relevant promotions

Effective promotional strategies are those that resonate with customers on a personal level. Leveraging data analytics and customer segmentation, retailers can craft targeted promotions and offers tailored to individual preferences and behaviors. Whether through personalized discounts, exclusive deals, or loyalty rewards, these promotions capture the attention of customers, drive engagement, and increase conversion rates.

Omnichannel experiences

Customers expect a seamless and consistent experience across all channels, be it online, mobile, or in-store. Retailers can meet these expectations by integrating their digital and physical channels to provide a unified shopping experience. Whether browsing online, researching in-store, or making a purchase via mobile, customers should encounter cohesive messaging, inventory visibility, and service levels throughout their journey.
By embracing these strategies and investing in tools that can drive them, retailers can unlock the full potential of customer experience. Looking for solutions that can help you execute these CX strategies? Trusted by global retailers like DKNY, Kirkland’s, Office Depot, Abenson, and more- Our retail tech solutions are designed to perfect the in-store shopping journey. Find them all here-


Driving retail growth by delivering exceptional customer experiences

Driving retail growth by delivering exceptional customer experiences

In today’s competitive retail landscape, the importance of exceptional customer experiences cannot be overstated. Brands that prioritize and deliver outstanding customer experiences consistently outperform their competitors in terms of revenue generation. At Veras Retail, we recognize the pivotal role of customer experience in driving business success. Our comprehensive suite of advanced retail technology solutions is designed to empower retailers to connect with their customers effectively at every touchpoint of their shopping journey.

To engage with your customers, explore Veras Reach

A CRM built exclusively for retail, Veras Reach provides centralized customer management and engagement while maintaining superior customer privacy. It allows you to manage customer data from a single hub, share real-time data across channels, and gain insight into buying patterns with complete transaction history.


To deliver seamless checkout journeys, explore Veras CheckOut

Veras CheckOut brings the power of e-commerce to your stores with its enterprise omnichannel POS, real-time inventory data, centralized order visibility and alerting, and rich promotional engine.


To create compelling personalized shopping experiences, explore Veras Affinity and Veras Extend

Integrated with capabilities like AI-powered clienteling, endless aisles, and self-checkout, these solutions use rich data insights to create memorable shopping experiences tailored to every customer.


To execute advanced promotional strategies, explore Veras Activate

Power complex and targeted promotions with ease using Veras Activate. Run them at POS or online while ensuring seamless offer redemption for customers. Set complex promotional calculations, including Buy X Get Y, spend and save, time-of-day/ day-of-the-week specific promotions, cart-level offers, flash sales, BOGO, bundled discounts, and more.


These solutions from the Veras Retail Suite have been specially crafted to help you successfully connect with your customers at every point of their shopping journey. On average, using these tools has helped our clients-

-4x their sales

-2x customer retention

-1.5x saved time


By leveraging our trusted retail technology solutions, you can gain a strategic edge over your competitors and elevate the customer experience to new heights. Connect with us today to learn more and unlock the potential of your retail business.


Customer strategies for retail success

Customer strategies for retail success

Customer-centricity Strategies
Customer-centricity is crucial for sustainable retail success. This guide explores the intersection of retail and technology, focusing on how innovative solutions enable the creation of immersive, personalized experiences that resonate with today’s consumers.

Personalized marketing campaigns
Segmenting audiences and delivering targeted messaging across channels will help you forge deeper connections and drive higher engagement. Check out tools like Veras Activate and Veras Affinity to deliver hyper-personalized customer services.

Enhancing in-store experiences
Personalized recommendations and seamless checkout experiences play a critical role in enhancing in-store shopping journeys. We have designed Veras CheckOut, Veras Affinity, and Veras Extend to help you elevate every shopping experience.

Omnichannel strategies
Integrating online and offline channels facilitates click-and-collect services and provides unified customer profiles for consistent experiences. Veras Omniview and Veras CheckOut are created to help retailers like you execute their omnichannel strategies seamlessly.

To conclude, embracing retail tech is critical to building customer-centric strategies and fostering loyalty and success in an ever-evolving market. At Veras Retail, we have designed solutions that elevate every customer interaction, at every step of their shopping journey. To know more about their capabilities and impact, connect with us today.